Our Story - What lead to BTBYC being founded
Here is a personal story from Georgia our CEO:
I always get asked ”What inspired you to open Be The Best You Clinic?”
I always longed for a girly environment I could go to where I could fit in, relax, feel myself and for once not have to worry about what I looked like. I thought it was something I would grow out of, at least I hoped it would, and I never did. So I knew I had to go and try and create my own dream reality as I wasn’t able to find it through anyone or anywhere else.
This lead me into the beauty industry, starting with qualifying in Level 3 Beauty Therapy. After qualifying, I still hadn’t found my passion in the beauty industry. I felt so lost, which added to the sense of not belonging anywhere I had previously suffered with. I was not happy with my lack of direction with my life no how I looked, for many reasons. One reason that had been with me since I was little was my Alopecia.
I have suffered with Alopecia Areata since I was 4 years old. I’ve lost hair on my scalp, lashes and eyebrows for as long as I can remember. The type of Alopecia I have means the hair falls out on circular patches, but I have had one main patch at the back that developed into half my head being fully bald. It’s like a reverse undercut, so all around my ears and across the lower half of my head is bald.
It has always been one of the root causes of me having absolutely zero confidence, and not feeling like I fitted in, as I felt so different from everyone else. As everyone else has hair, everyone else’s body was healthy and mine wasn’t as heathy as it should be. Trying to describe how Alopecia makes me feel is incredibly difficult, without seeming dramatic. Not only does Alopecia make you feel embarrassed, not human and ugly, you find yourself avoiding so many actives in order to try and hide my scalp and keep it a secret.
The end of 2022 was a real turning point for me and my confidence. I had got my brows tattooed which gave me such a secure feeling, that I never thought I’d be lucky enough to feel. I only had the front part of my eyebrows, due to my Alopecia, so to have that blended in and achieve the look of full eyebrows was incredible. And that’s what made me become and SPMU Artist myself, so I could spend my career giving other people that confidence that I had just developed.
I have such a huge passion for SPMU, as it is such an intense procedure, that requires an immense amount of trust from the client to the practitioner. And I get a real buzz from achieving that trust and bond with my clients. it is a feeling that I struggle to put into words, but I am so grateful for being the reason people love the reflection staring back at them in the mirror.
This is where the clinic was first thought of. I wanted to create a bigger platform to be able to reach more people and work in an environment that was devoted to enhancing confidence. I also still longed for an environment that I, myself, felt confident in too. Confidence is such a rare and fragile thing for me, and I wanted to work towards changing that for myself and helping others on a journey to enhance their confidence aswell.
It was important it me that the ethics of the clinic were reflect this in the name, which is where "Be The Best You Clinic" originated from.
Love Georgia xxx
The clinic has been full of opportunities for me
It has lead to me training is Scalp Kervive, delivered by Hydrafacial, which is a scalp cleaning procedure that helps promote natural hair growth. I have tried many different types of medicine, and treatments in the attempt to grow my hair back. And some have worked in certain areas, or for a short amount of time, but I am beyond grateful to say this treatment has stimulated lots of new hair growth.
If you, or someone close to you is suffering from Hair Loss, no matter what the cause, please always feel free to drop into the clinic, whether that’s to enquire about stimulating treatments or just for advice and support.